Judging from the letters printed about Rex Rhoades’ Nov. 7 column, I am not the only Bushie who is fed up with his spewing of hate. Rhoades just doesn’t get it, does he? It is exactly that kind of negativity and attitude that cost Democrats the election. Democrats blamed everything that happened on Bush, even the hurricanes in Florida. I read that in the Sun Journal. That was a bit of a stretch, wasn’t it ?

Yes, Republicans may have had Fox, Disney, The Weekly Standard and Clear Channel, but Democrats had everyone else, ABC, CBS (Remember Dan Rather?), NBC, CNN, MSNBC, etc., along with almost every other newspaper and magazine in the country, and I’ll throw in Hollywood.

I would say that, considering 90 percent of the mainstream media were negative about Bush, he did well to win. As for Rhoades’ name-calling, if Republicans are poor winners, what does that make him? The first rule of selling is, “Never knock your competition.” Democrats did so much of it that the good people in this country had enough and replied at the polls.

When Rhoades came here, this was a blue state. He can verify that by checking the welfare rolls and our taxes. Perhaps the Democrats would be better served if Rhoades moved to a red state with his hate agenda. Watch out for those rednecks, they can get mean.

Rhoades must realize that every column like that alienates a good many Sun Journal readers.

Ron Bonenfant, Lewiston

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