I recently read an article online about a lawsuit in New York regarding the safety of dodgeball because a 7-year-old girl broke her elbow playing dodgeball at school. The article mentioned Maine as one state in which some school districts have banned the game.

Apparently, some educated people have come to the conclusion that there is a risk of injury. Gosh, what would we do without these people? What physical activity does not have a risk of injury when it involves such things as running, jumping, hopping and skipping?

If school officials are going to ban dodgeball, then they should be banning baseball, softball, football, basketball, soccer, hockey, field hockey and track. While they are at it, get rid of those wonderful jungle gyms in some school play yards, pad all the classrooms and make students write with crayons only.

Let’s face it, there can be a risk of injury doing anything, anywhere, at any time. Some people need to stop being a bunch of babies.

Stop the ridiculous lawsuits whenever someone gets a hangnail.

Eric Yoder, Auburn

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