The third and hopefully final installment in Wesley Snipes’ franchise about a half-human, half-vampire hunter of the undead is a bloody mess. The showdown between Snipes’ Blade and the father of all vampires, Dracula (Dominic Purcell), is a deafening bore filled with unimaginative action and repetitive visual effects, and the characters – both dead and alive – are as stiff as real corpses. Blade teams with a couple of young vampire slayers (Jessica Biel and Ryan Reynolds) to take on Dracula and his snaky little band of bloodsuckers, including a woefully miscast Parker Posey. Rated: R for strong pervasive violence and language, and some sexual content. Running time: 114 min. Rating: 1 1/2 out of 4 stars.

– David Germain, AP Movie Writer

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