It was day two of our freshman trip to Moby. The day before, all of us had set up our tricky tents and unpacked our really heavy bags. Today was the day of our exciting trip out on the sea to spot different kinds of whales. As soon as our bus driver stopped the bus, each one of us scrambled out onto the paved sidewalk, trying not to get run over. Lined up one by one. we waited to be boarded onto the gigantic Whale Watch boat. Most of us talked, laughed, and played jokes on each other while we were waiting.

Finally, I noticed the line moving closer to the boat, meaning it was time to board. Like a herd of elephants, we all trotted on to the pier to enter the ship, passing other tour goers who looked a little annoyed at the fact that a pack of sixty freshmen were sharing the ride with them. Our bags were quickly checked because of security reasons. Then we loaded onto the massive ship. Being the curious beings we are, my friends and I wanted to search through every single part of the boat. We found the bathrooms (thank goodness), the snack bar (yummy), and we stumbled our way up to the top deck of the boat that was completely covered with people. The ship’s horn blew, signaling our departure. We were off to see the whales!

The ride started off slowly so the wind wasn’t that bad. We stood up at the front of the boat to get a better view. Then the speed picked up, boy did it pick up. We all layered up in hats and jackets, looking like Eskimos. I even saw someone’s hat fly past me into the water. My friends and I luckily found out that up on the platform in the front gave you a good view and wasn’t very windy, so we stood there. On our way to the whale sighting spot, the people around me and I had a contest to see who could find the most seals in the water. I didn’t do that well at finding the sea creatures, but my friends found about fourteen! Then it happened!

A giant mass of gray popped up from out of the water, our first whale sighting! It was great! I could see the shiny back of the whale and its gigantic head. Its back shimmered in the light as it made its way through the salty water. There was another whale. This one had a giant tail that flipped up when the whale went under the water. It was definitely a Kodak moment. We ended up seeing many other whales, including the endangered Right Whale. The Right Whale was the fattest whale I had ever seen. It moved very slowly, so it was easy to watch. As it moved along I could see giant waves left behind. It was really awesome seeing all the different whales.

Our boat moved in sharp turns, trying to show each and every sea creature around us, whether it be a whale, seal, or sea porpoise. A bunch of tuna even jumped out of the water. I had never seen tuna before, unless you count in the can. They were very interesting looking with all the spikes on their backs. The teachers said that it was the first time they had ever seen jumping tuna, which was really cool. It was time to head back to shore, and most of us were ready. My feet hurt from standing up to look at the whales, but it was worth it. The cool air turned to freezing air as the boat took off.

Mostly every one went inside the boat, except for a small group of us that stayed outside of the boat. All the people sat up on the roof of the boat, so it was a perfect opportunity to take seats up there. Of course we didn’t spend much time up there, because I was turning into an icicle. The boat was finally tied up and we put our feet onto the land and could eat our lunch. Even though at the end of the sea adventure we were hungry and cold, we were happy to actually see the whales.

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