Claudina Bechtel wrote Jan. 7 in a letter to the editor about the display of opulence at the inauguration that “will surely not win us friends or endear our partners to us.” She asked, in light of the news concerning the tsunami and Iraq, “Does this not make for more hatred and bitter feelings around the world?”

What’s up with that? Where’s the rest of the news?

On the previous day, the Sun Journal reported about India: “During Powell’s visit, survivors expressed gratitude for American aid. “Thank God he’s come. Thank God,” said Mohamed Bachid Madjid. …”

The Jan. 4 headlines read: “U.S. aid flowing in. Welcome: Americans now lead tsunami relief efforts.” News from many sources report about the millions of dollars and the massive peaceful use of our military forces in providing aid and relief for these desperate victims.

Sadly, what’s not being reported enough is the fact that the majority of the Iraqi population is thanking America and its allies for an opportunity to establish democracy and for liberating them from a weapon of mass destruction and his evil sons.

Concerning all terrorists, would anyone prefer fighting these animals on U.S. soil instead? Picture two airliners smashing into some buildings. Remember? Links between terrorist breeding-ground countries are being found.

The inauguration of our president should include the limos and the well-dressed folks without concern about “offending” anyone. Doesn’t that pale in comparison to the outpouring of compassion that’s happening for our neighbors?

David T. Theriault, Rumford

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