The Sun Journal’s Social Security editorials reveal another Bush deception. Clearly, these people believe the ends justify the means, even when it involves massive misdirection.

We’ve seen this before. Weapons of mass destruction and ties to al-Qaida were the reasons for invading Iraq. A budget surplus was the first reason for massive tax cuts. When the economy tanked, they were to stimulate the economy. Bush’s “Clear Skies Initiative” increases air pollution. His “Healthy Forests” initiative is clear cutting. “No Child Left Behind”? Texas test scores, which the program was based on, were false, and the administration actually paid a so-called journalist to promote the program in columns and talk shows. They’ve run untruthful “infomercials” to promote their drug plan.

They say we need to drill in Alaska to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and that it can be done in an environmentally sensitive manner. But they fight fuel efficiency and appliance standards that save more oil, more cheaply than the new drilling would supply, and they don’t include the miles of roads or pipelines that will have to be built when they discuss the environmental effects. Now they’re telling whoppers about Social Security so they can destroy it.

As the saying goes, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Leading by example is one thing; tricking the American people to achieve unstated objectives is quite another. Hopefully, the Sun Journal’s factual treatment of the issue will help people understand what’s happening.

Denis Bergeron, Auburn

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