NORWAY – Eryn A. Taylor, 14 weeks, died Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2005 at Stephens Memorial Hospital. That’s the day she became God’s little Angel.

She loved to play Peek-A-Boo and to be tickled by her Mommy. She was full of smiles, especially when her brothers and sister were near. A particular pouty face to get Daddy’s attention was Eryn’s specialty.

She had a way of melting everyone’s heart.

She is survived by her mommy, Michelle Perreault, and daddy, Michael Taylor Jr., two brothers, Jebidiah and Jarrod Taylor, and one sister, Emilee Taylor, all of South Paris; her maternal grandparents, Jan and Dan Perreault, of Oxford; Auntie Amy Perreault of Norway, and Uncle Scott Perreault of Oxford; two great-grandmothers, Helen “Mimi” Starbird of Auburn, and Jeannette Corriveau of Lewiston; a great-grandfather, Normand Perreault of Sabattus; paternal grandparents, Cheryl and Michael Taylor Sr., of Poland, and Grandpa Clyde Woods of Norway; Auntie Lois and Uncle Darrin Libby of Norway, Auntie Shel and Alyssa of Norway, Aunt Kellie and Uncle Fred of Kennebunk, Aunt Esther Cheney of Portland; and cousins Zachary, Michael and Freddy.

She was predeceased by great-grandpas, Harry Starbird and Jean Corriveau; and Grammie Katherine Taylor.

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