I want to discuss the tragic incident of the Tsunami Wave. I am so happy to be able to turn on the T.V. and see that not just two or three countries, but all around the world people are doing everything they can to repair the damage that was done by the Tsunami Wave. Kids of all ages are doing fund-raisers, bake sales, penny drives, and donations. At least 150,000 people were killed in this tragic and horrible incident.

There have been a few stories about people who were at the Tsunami Wave and what happened to them or what they went through during this experience. There was one story that reported a woman having a two-year-old child and a five-year-old child. She had to decide which one of them she was going to let go of in order for her to grab on to something so she and one of her children would live. All three of them lived though because when the woman let go of her five year old, the child ran to a tree and climbed up it. There was another story about a couple of people who were scuba diving and when the Tsunami Wave was happening, the wave had dragged them out about a quarter of a mile into sea. A little before the Tsunami Wave had hit, all of the wild animals fled. People have told me that the animals have a sixth sense.

Imagine how the people living there must feel. A lot of people have destroyed homes and are at the moment, homeless. I feel very confident that the attitude being shown by others all around the world by helping will help the damage from the Tsunami Wave and get the towns and cities that were destroyed, back into shape. When I first heard about what had happened on the weekend in the morning, I said, “What is a Tsunami Wave?”

It was weird watching all of the water from the wave wash over houses and trees. I never knew what damage a wave that the ocean created could make. I wonder what I would have done if a Tsunami Wave was to have happened up here in the United States. Scary! I would worry about my family and friends, along with animals that are in the woods, as well as peoples’ pets.

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