It is said that there will be a greater interest than ever in automobiling in this vicinity, next summer, People living in the surrounding towns, especially those not connected with the twin cities by electrics, are also catching the fever and are already making a study of the different makes of machines.

Skeeing is a popular sport with the youngsters who probably have a better time walking and tumbling along with their more or less elaborated barrel staves, than do their elders with the most elegant of snow shoes.

50 Years Ago, 1955

A $60,000 three-way realty transaction designed to permit expansion of the Country Kitchen Bakery at 193 Park St., Lewiston, was announced today. Two buildings, one containing eight apartments and the other four, will be ripped down to make way for a 50-foot by 100-foot addition to the bakery, according to Regis Lepage, president of the F. R. Lepage Bakery. The addition will provide an added 10,000 square feet of floor space.

Demolition of the structures will begin in about two weeks. Lepage said the bakery has been at its Park St. site since 1910, producing bread and rolls. The new building will be used for bread and roll baking, also finishing, loading and shipping. Involved were another apartment building and a single-family home, both on Pierce St.

25 Years Ago, 1980

I cannot tell a lie. Today is not really George Washington’s birthday. Feb. 22 is…

It’s too bad when a man, a former President no less, can’t keep the date of his own birthday. But the government, or the stores, or the car dealers, or banks – whoever – have decided that it’s more convenient for George to have born on Monday, Feb. 18; this year. Poor George, if he only knew, his wooden teeth would probably rot and his hair turn black.

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