In response to the article, “Turner Town Office estimates reported” (Feb. 10), the Leavitt Institute Committee chairman, Ralph Caldwell, wants an article on the town meeting warrant asking voters to relocate the Town Office to the Leavitt Institute building. The board of directors of SAD 52 voted unanimously to reject the request two weeks ago.

Putting aside possible legal issues with SAD 52, I question his thinking concerning the children. We teach our children about traffic safety. Statistics show traffic accidents involving children as pedestrians are, mostly, the child’s fault. The drivers were not speeding or under the influence and were attentive.

Children have difficulty identifying speed and distance, dealing with multiple distractions and determining the direction of sound.

Caldwell has not addressed the problems of directing traffic into the center of Turner Elementary School and playgrounds. Also, Turner, as in most communities, has residents who are registered sex offenders. As part of their release, they are not allowed near schools. As a community, we cannot constitutionally abridge their rights. Under law, they would not be able to go to the Town Office for a fishing license, car registration or paying taxes unless they violated the terms of their probation.

Why would we put aside child safety, increase traffic and cause a rift between the town and SAD 52?

I believe it is time to question how much influence personal agendas should have on town policy.

I would like to hear Caldwell’s answers given in an honest and forthright manner.

Paul Bernard, Turner

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