Why do we need another law taking away more of our freedom?

You already can wear a helmet if you want to. You can’t drive a car without a seat belt.

That is because the road is full of people who don’t know how to drive. If you don’t learn how to operate a motorcycle, it will take more than a helmet to save you. The number of people injured in automobiles far outweighs those on motorcycles.

The next law that they will want to pass will be from the people who don’t like the noise that motorcycles make and want to restrict it. These are the same people who pull out in front of people riding motorcycles. Loud pipes save lives. Loud mouths as well as loud radios that muffle out the sounds that are all around you kill innocent people on bikes.

Maybe every person in America who drives a motorcycle should pass a law that makes it illegal to have a radio or telephone in any car because it distracts the driver and poses a threat to anyone on a motorcycle?

I think we should pass a law that forbids anyone from passing any more laws. I don’t tell you what to do. Please don’t tell me what to do. I know what to do, without having all of these perfect people tell me how to live my life. I would like to tell these people what to do, but they wouldn’t print it in the paper.

Warren Packard, Rumford

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