As a teacher for SAD 72, I am feeling a bit unappreciated. Teachers have been working without a contract for this entire school year. Just what are the teachers here doing wrong to receive such lack of support? Are we not working hard enough to fulfill the No Child Left Behind requirements? Are we not covering the curriculum in our classrooms?

There is enough money in the budget to reward teachers with the contract they are asking for. We are not asking people to dig any deeper into their pockets. Since money is not the issue, what is?

I am hearing some people say that it is not about the money, it is just a power struggle and that the board’s negotiating team won’t back down because they will not have controlled the teachers’ union. I find this disturbing, if even remotely true.

I hear people talk about comparing our salaries to other districts to see how we compare with the state average. Does that mean we are only average teachers? Is that all we are expected to be? Is that whom we want to appeal to when replacing those who retire or leave the district?

The thorough and efficient education of children is the primary stated mission of the SAD 72 board. This will happen with optimal teaching, which comes from an environment of encouragement, support and appreciation for teachers, not from denying teachers a reasonable reward from available resources.

Robert Dow, Waterford

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