U.S. Rep. Mike Michaud opposes President Bush’s radical Social Security changes.

The working person from Maine opposes the Texan born with the silver spoon in his mouth.

Bush will not and never was going to depend upon Social Security, but he wants to change the Social Security system. Bush doesn’t care if Social Security goes bust with his radical plan; it won’t affect him.

President Bush’s radical plan to divert some funds for Wall Street investing is the beginning of the end for the working person’s Social Security. It is the first step toward completely privatizing Social Security, making it dependent upon a process that is unstable – the stock market gamblers.

Congressman Michaud was going to collect Social Security when he worked in the Millinocket paper mill. He knows from his experience as a working person that working people need a stable retirement income system.

Would it not make sense to stop diverting funds from Social Security, as the government has been doing for so many years? It is time to stop robbing Peter to pay Paul; stop robbing Social Security income to pay for other programs. Stop robbing the working people’s retirement fund.

Our Mike Michaud understands the life and problems of the working person in America, so he is fighting to save our Social Security. He is against President Bush’s radical changes.

We must all do what we can to save our Social Security retirement plan.

Tom Fallon, Rumford

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