Clayton Putnam’s letter of March 3 tells some of the story of the “malaise of Livermore Falls.” His sensible firebrand type of politics is sadly missed. He is on target with his charge of voter apathy, which is rampant in this town.

Last year a charge of possible “conflict of interest” against two selectmen was brought out at a selectmen’s meeting. We now seem to have a possible third conflict. Selectmen Drake and Lake both have relatives receiving benefits from the negotiations conducted by the selectmen in their secret meetings (executive sessions).

I realize in small towns this type of conflict, namely relatives working for the town, is hard to avoid. But in the case of Selectman Flagg, who is the husband of the town treasurer, he is a direct beneficiary of the health insurance benefits. He has not once excused himself from these secret negotiations, and we have no way of knowing what his influence has been in these secret meetings.

Now we have these three selectmen getting rid of the cog, Alan Gove, in their greased wheel. And they claim to have the best interest of the town in mind. He is the “boss” of all three relatives. Voters of Livermore Falls should think about it. Better yet, they should do something about it.

Kevin P. Morrissey, Livermore Falls

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