My family and I have recently moved from California to Farmington. For the past seven years, we have bought our own health insurance and, after reading in the March 16 Sun Journal that the Republicans are pushing hard to derail Dirigo and are advocating allowing health insurance companies to choose whom they wish to insure, I felt compelled to write.

We are an unusually healthy family and have always qualified for the best health insurance rates, but in California the best rates were not cheap. We always had a $5,000 deductible and paid most of our medical expenses in addition to paying a monthly premium that rose significantly every few months. Just because health insurance companies can choose whom to insure does not mean you will get an inexpensive premium.

Our health insurance in California was a one-shot deal. We knew if one of us became seriously ill, we could become uninsurable. Health insurance that only covers the healthy is a farce. Maine doesn’t need to allow health insurance companies to cherry pick; the rest of the country needs to follow Maine’s example and end cherry picking.

I don’t know if Dirigo is the answer, but it’s a starting point and I’m dismayed that so many of our elected officials want to end Dirigo before it gets a chance to start. My family and I are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to take part in Dirigo and proud to belong to a state that makes health care a priority.

Patricia Seddon, Farmington

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