I was shocked by the letter from Sens. Snowe and Collins March 17 defending their actions on the bankruptcy bill.

I honestly couldn’t understand how they could claim to be protecting our troops, veterans and folks suffering from crushing illness when they voted against almost every amendment that would have helped those very people.

So I did what anyone in the Internet age would do – I sent an e-mail to one of the leading bankruptcy experts in the world, Elizabeth Warren of Harvard Law School.

Warren’s response was quick and incredulous: “These two senators want to claim they are helping the military families?” read her electronic reply. She couldn’t believe the level of their hypocrisy. “Just when I think I have seen everything, I see something else,” she wrote.

Our senators, on this issue, did the wrong thing for the people of Maine, and many families will suffer. The Sun Journal should be commended for bringing it to our attention.

Michael Tipping, Orono

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