I have been following the articles on the Terri Schiavo case and the debate on whether her feeding tube should be removed.

It seems sometimes that people interpret “God’s word” in the light of their own opinions and prejudices. I wonder how anyone really knows that God wants Mrs. Schiavo kept alive by artificial means, rather than being disconnected from her artificial life support and dying a natural death?

Maybe she was meant to die naturally years ago, but doctors and her parents are interfering and opposing God’s will by this artificial prolonging of her life.

“Thou shalt not kill” truly doesn’t apply: No one is planning to kill this woman.

Don’t religions tell us that death is not an ending, but a wonderful new beginning in the Lord? Why, then, would believers oppose Terri Schiavo’s natural death if, in fact, she dies?

If God doesn’t want Mrs. Schiavo to die, surely He will perform a miracle and keep her alive.

Ellen Field, New Gloucester

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