I enjoy reading the Sun Journal each day. There are some areas that I look for the most. One happens to be the “Health Capsules.” The capsule that appeared March 25 really hit home. I have amblyopia, or lazy eye. I wore a patch until fourth grade, when it was removed so I could see and I had an operation to correct the eye. That was in 1945. I have had two operations since then to correct the eye so I could have both eyes focused on a subject.

I had to have the lens removed a few years ago to stop double vision. I now have peripheral vision from right to front, but no double vision.

I was told by many doctors that wearing a patch would not have helped me in any event. It has always bothered me that I could not save that eye. If I lose the other eye, I will be essentially blind. I am very careful when doing projects.

The “Health Capsules” claimed that wearing a patch two hours a day would help. That is deafeningly wrong. It is not a true statement. All the doctors who have operated on my eye have died or retired, except Dr. Brown in Portland. He is my present doctor and agrees with all those before him.

Bill Neidlinger, Norway

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