Every day I read letters to the editor of the Sun Journal regarding the out-of-control spending by government officials and their compelling need to cut social services or borrow from retirement funds in order to balance the budget, or go against voter opinion as expressed in referendums. Republicans blame Democrats. Democrats blame Republicans.

From my point of view, it’s difficult to tell who’s who.

In Maine, Democrats have the controlling majority and are criticized for their handling of the budget. At the federal level, it’s the Republicans in charge. So, can someone honestly tell me the difference between the two parties? Both seem to have adopted the same philosophy: spend, spend, spend and let future generations worry about paying off the debt. Does the level at which those philosophies are practiced justify the actions? Does common sense go out the window just because one party has control and expects elected representatives to vote partisan?

I feel the time is appropriate to do away with all party affiliations and list everyone as independent. Individuals would no longer feel pressured to vote strictly along party lines. People would be forced to look more closely at the candidates and what they stand for. Maybe then and only then will politicians be elected who truly represent the needs of their constituents – individuals who will vote on the merit of an issue, not go along with it or against it because they are afraid to show that they are bipartisan.

Jacqueline P. Smith, Lewiston

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