Alcohol is the No. 1 drug of choice for children and adolescents. Each day, more than 7,000 kids in the United States under the age of 16 take their first drink. According to the 2004 Maine Youth Drug and Alcohol Use Survey in Androscoggin County, 44.5 percent of 12th graders had a drink of alcohol within the last 30 days. Nearly 66.7 percent of high school students feel it is sort of easy or very easy to obtain alcohol.

Sadly, use of alcohol at an early age is associated with the leading causes of death and injury among youth and young adults as well as being an indicator of future alcohol problems, with 40 percent of those who begin drinking before the age of 14 developing alcohol abuse or dependence later in life. About 68 percent of high school students in Androscoggin County feel there is risk involved in using alcohol. We know as we increase perception of risk then we decrease substance use.

Underage drinking is a complex problem and one best solved through a sustained and collaborative effort between parents, schools, community leaders and youth, there are three areas that have proven to be effective in prevention of underage drinking: curtailing the availability of alcohol, consistent enforcement of existing laws and regulations, and changing cultural misconceptions and behaviors through education.

Let’s all wake up to this serious problem and get started on the solution. This can’t wait.

Colleen Taylor-Capano,

community outreach coordinator, Healthy Androscoggin, Project Unite!, Lewiston

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