OXFORD – Students from the Boxberry School recently went on a field trip to Record Lumber on Route 26.

Mike Record of Record Lumber showed the students what happens with a log from start to finish: from being loaded off the truck to turning it into the finished product, such as planks or 2x4s or a pile of wood chips. Record said, “We don’t waste any part of the tree – we even sell the wood chips!”

The students at Boxberry are doing a unit study on the rainforests. Georgina Grenier, head teacher, wanted to show the students one of the ways that wood is used when cut down for commercial use.

“Boxberry School is made out of planks from Record Lumber, so the students saw with their own eyes exactly how those planks were made,” said Grenier. And they all went home with a pocket full of wood chips.

The Boxberry School is an independent elementary school in Oxford Hills. Those wishing more information should call 743.9700 or visit www.boxberryschool.org.

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