I support the Rev. Doug Taylor, who had the guts to oppose the showing of lesbian lifestyles to Maine’s little children by the new priests of morality, MPBN, by showing the “Postcards From Buster” episode.

Every major religion in the world states that homosexuality and adultery are major sins resulting in the poisoning of one’s soul and spirit. We can practically understand this when we learn that one study of the homosexual lifestyle in a Canadian city showed it can be almost three times more physically dangerous for men than that of a full-time tobacco smoker. It has also become a breeding ground of the AIDS virus, which has killed millions of people. Let’s teach the children that this is something good?

America has always been a country that has generally honored, respected, loved and deferred to God. This has been the source of our blessing. If the proponents of the humanistic – not centered on God – and so-called progressive view of life are allowed to establish a “new morality” based solely on people’s preferences, there will be no boundaries. Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, it will destroy all blessing and happiness.

I hope in the near future as we become closer to God, we will see that there was a very good reason for the warning in all the world’s major religions regarding “sin.” Likewise, religion always advises discipline and control of the body’s desires in order to have a happy life here and hereafter.

James Caron, Lisbon Falls

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