My flag has three triangles cut out of it. These represent the differences in our American cultures that separate us from each other. Two neighbors in America might hate each other because one likes the Yankees and the other one likes the Red Sox.

The black in the flag with the uneven white dots (the stars) in it represent space. This part of the flag shows how we are an insignificant part of something bigger (the earth) that in itself is a part of something much bigger (the universe).

The red in the flag represents all the worthless bloodshed caused by greed, such as the war with terror we’re having right now, A lot of the people we’re killing in Iraq and Iran for being terrorists are just trying to defend themselves. To them, we’re the terrorists.

The sun and moon represent how much we depend on our star and our natural celestial satellite for warmth, tides, and the creation of our planet. The lightning bolt represents the power our country has.

The dark blue and light blue parts represent self- defense. Our country focuses so hard on defense and not hard enough on things like health care and education. The green and tan on the flag represent the wilderness of our country (green), and the food crops it produces such as corn and wheat (tan).

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