Since when did religious convictions start being defined by a person’s stance on gay marriage? With all of the great injustices in the world today, why do religious leaders spend so much time debating this nonissue? That time seems far better spent making the world a better place by advocating inclusion.

When did the Bible get stripped down to a few cryptic verses on homosexuality? Where was the outrage when Bernard Law was promoted for covering up a pedophilia ring? Is sodomy only a sin when it is between consenting adults?

On a local level, we have “leaders” such as Michael Heath on a witch hunt for homosexuals in government. We have people such as the Rev. Doug Taylor making little kids cry on the front page of the local section in my newspaper.

Where do these people stand on the issue of war? Is it not a sin to kill? While these people are (perhaps subconsciously) preoccupied by homosexuality, what is their position on the 3,000-plus verses in the Bible concerning poverty? Is the Unitarian Church the only denomination that embraces inclusion rather than judgment?

Daniel Coulombe, Lewiston

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