I recently read a few responses regarding Lisa Hanson’s drug addition (April 24-25). If the Sun Journal prints stories like this, they need to be encouraging.

I’ll tell you, my husband had a heavy drug addiction before we met. He was living in his car, a tent and had no money. He was skinny, was sick and tired, and felt emptiness and defeat in his life. He almost died three times before he ended up at a mission to get help. He stayed there for a while and got off drugs and gave his life to Jesus Christ without hesitation. He ended up going to school and became a licensed minister. He came back home eight years ago with meaning in his life and drug free, and he’s a drummer in a worship team at church.

He’s a responsible, kind and loving man, and a full-time worker. We met in 2003, became good friends and married a year later. I am so grateful to tell this part of his life because of who he has become through it all. He’s not perfect, but he is a man who was once troubled and lost and now has purpose in his life.

Coleen Daskoski, Lewiston

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