The recent base closing list release resulted in widespread panic and accusations among a variety of groups in Maine, including members of the Maine Legislature and the governor himself. This is not surprising. The loss of thousands of jobs will have a negative effect on the state, especially when multiplied by the ripple effect to surrounding communities.

What I find distressing is how quickly our local “leaders” have simply pointed accusing fingers at Washington for the hits Maine may take as a result. Maine currently has one of the highest tax burdens in the country. The Maine business climate is dismal, ranked in the lower 10 percent of all 50 states. Is it any surprise that the BRAC accountants examining costs of operating and maintaining military bases in Maine discovered what so many private sector manufacturing businesses did? That it is simply too expensive to do business in this state if there are any other options available.

The federal government has a lot of options. It is not surprising that the state government’s complete inability to curb spending, taxation and over-regulation has resulted in another potential blow to the hard-working people of Maine. As the governor and legislators start pointing fingers of blame for this latest bad news, I suggest they look in the mirror while doing so.

They will see their fingers pointing back at themselves, which is quite possibly the only way they will ever see where the actual blame for this really lies.

Daniel Peterson, Lisbon Falls

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