Is anyone surprised at all that our two Democratic senators dressed in Republican clothing (Sens. Snowe and Collins) again crossed the aisle and supported the Democrats on the filibuster vote? Remember President Clinton’s impeachment.

There were seven crossover Republican votes to keep filibustering alive instead of mandating an up-or-down vote in the Senate on judicial nominees. Two of these were from the Democratically controlled state of Maine. On a crucial vote such as this, the president, being the head of his party, deserves the loyalty of the senators in his party. Instead, the power of the Republican Party was handed a defeat.

Do you think for one minute that the Democratic Party will not filibuster the president’s nominee for the Supreme Court, even though they will allow the passage of three Republicans that are up for judgeships? Did you get that? The minority party will allow that passage.

Do you think that sticking your finger in the president’s eye will help in keeping our military bases open? I don’t think so. Remember, in politics, “You scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours.”

If you think that politics will not be involved in the decision to close the bases in Maine, I would like to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge.

Daniel R. Lalonde, Lewiston

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