I spoke directly to Gov. Baldacci recently on a call-in program on Maine Public Broadcasting Network. I asked him if he believed that there is a worldwide, intense homosexual movement that has as its mission the changing of world moral order and, in addition, making homosexuality the moral equivalent of heterosexuality.

He never answered my question. I must wonder why?

Why do newspapers and promoters of the homosexual movement deny the intense campaign by gays the world over?

I also told the governor of some of my concerns:

• That it is wrong not to send this huge moral issue out to the voters. I believe that passage of L.D. 1196 (gay rights) definitely gives legal legs to demands by gays for equal rights, including civil unions and/or same sex unions.

• That the pro-homosexual curriculum in the schools that makes homosexuality morally equivalent to heterosexuality is gravely in error and must be stopped.

• That civil rights projects, in my opinion, also affirm homosexuality, which is dangerous to children who are so vulnerable. These projects must be monitored very carefully by thoughtful parents.

Elaine B. Graham, Farmington

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