I knew it would not take long before someone blamed the police for the tragic accident in which three young people died in Sebago (June 19).

The one and only person who can take the total blame for those deaths is the driver.

I seem to recall that when I was given the privilege to drive, I learned that when the blue lights go on behind me – and they have – I had to stop. And I always have. As yet, I have not been killed or even injured during a police chase.

Odd how that works, huh?

Let’s imagine, an officer observes a car operating dangerously, and the driver refuses to stop when the officer attempts a pullover; the officer backs off, and then a mile or whatever down the road, the car swerves and kills an oncoming motorist. Whom are some people going to blame? The police. The question would certainly be asked: Why didn’t they stop that driver?

Give the police a break. They have a very difficult job and none of them intends to have a death during his or her watch.

Put the blame where it belongs – on the driver.

Dale Farrar, Livermore Falls

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