Lately I have seen people in different locations trying to solicit signatures on petitions to try to revoke the gay rights legislation that was signed into law by Gov. Baldacci.

One sign stated: “Let the people decide.” I have no problem with that. The right to petition is given to all people in this country.

However, other signs stated: “Vote to ban gay marriage.” Now in this case, we need to use a hypocrite test.

How many of those people have been divorced, or lived with their significant other without being married?

How many have benefited from a cashier’s error in their favor and said nothing, pocketing the windfall?

How do they think God feels about their perpetrating lies?

Gay marriage is not mentioned in the gay rights bill, and not mentioned in the Bible, either.

Ways to cope with the other behaviors are addressed by teachings in the Bible, not to mention, “Judge not lest ye be judged.”

Armed with the real truth, I am sure that people will make an honest, intelligent decision on this issue.

Angelo Giberti, Lewiston

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