This is in response to the June 23 article headlined “Some Catholics upset with signature drive.” It seems to me that the parishioner interviewed must have misinterpreted St. Joseph Church Pastor Seavey’s words that the petitions, which some of the congregation had signed, were not approved by the Catholic diocese. Signing referendum petitions to change some existing law is a governmental freedom enjoyed by all American voters.

The Roman Catholic Church leadership, expressed in its dioceses through its deacons, priests and bishops, does not have authority to tell anyone how to vote, what to vote for or what to petition the American people for. Rather, they must teach that God has left each person free to choose between options. The leadership has the duty to shed the light of God’s ways and truth upon those options.

Persons who do not know or understand Catholic basics have been misinformed by the article. The reporter should interview Bishop Richard Malone about these matters and print exactly what he says.

Bernice E. Kingdom, Augusta

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