I am sorry the Rev. Douglas Taylor is unable to enjoy the creativity and imagination of the Harry Potter books. I am sorry, too, he is unable to appreciate the fact that this series of books has children (and adults) reading, which is a fine thing in this day and age.

I must, however, take exception to his statements calling those who practice hypnosis, yoga, Reiki and other modalities “modern-day witch doctors.”

As a Thai yoga bodywork practitioner and instructor of yoga, I know the practices Mr. Taylor speaks of are healing arts. Yoga and the other modalities Mr. Taylor disparages all, in their own way, help people to access the peaceful calm that resides in each of us. They are modalities that are practiced with lovingkindness. They work in joyful ways to soothe frayed energy, relax the mind and muscles, and replenish the spirit.

Perhaps Mr. Taylor should not be so quick to cast aspersions on healing practices he so obviously knows nothing about.

Marcy Covey, Poland

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