I reside in Auburn and, therefore, pay one of the highest tax rates in the state.

But my concern is with the Auburn Police Department. Recently, my family had an experience where our four-wheeler was stolen and taken for a joyride. It was with another ATV and a truck, all of which were stolen.

The police did not catch the perpetrators at the scene and have said there is nothing they can do. We asked police officials to dust for fingerprints and were told they were too busy and nothing could be done.

Come to find out, the theft was not the only incident in my area. I found out that another person’s car was stolen from the same area a couple nights before. That car was wrecked. Yet, nothing could be done? Aren’t we paying taxes so that something can be done?

What with two such incidents in such a short time, in the same area, I would think that would warrant more action from the police department. Police action might prevent someone else from having to go through what we are going through.

It is always the victims who have to pay. We have to pay to get our ATV back, to repair any damage; and there is all the time and aggravation of filling out the police reports and insurance papers.

Jean Williams, Auburn

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