This letter is in support of and praise for Rev. Douglas Taylor’s letter of July 28 on the darkness that is permeating our world and, particularly, our nation, by the ignorant craze over the Harry Potter books and the demonic practices which they are opening up to naive and gullible people, especially children.

All such practices: divination, witchcraft, sorcery, wizardry, magical arts and enchantments are condemned in the word of God. And, we are told that they who practice them will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Give evil an inch and it will take a foot, or a mile. Most people, especially the young, are not spiritually mature enough to handle very much temptation to these practices, much less toying with them. Many people read the horoscope in the paper every day, and they’ll say they don’t really believe in it. But, that’s the first thing they look to for guidance and prophecy in their life instead of looking to the one who made the stars and is the only one who knows what the future holds.

And to Rev. Taylor’s two detractors in the Aug. 2 edition of the Sun Journal, I would like to say that fiction can do more harm than nonfiction, simply because it is not true. And, the writers are the ones who are being naive if they think that these books are not going to do any harm to the ideas of impressionable people. It is certainly no laughing matter.

Ambrose J. Flynn, Oxford

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