Recently, I received a call from one of the L&A Veterans Council members. While visiting the Veterans Memorial Park in Lewiston, he saw two young men skateboarding on one of the new, polished granite benches, which they had moved into the walkway for easier skateboarding.

When I discussed this with several veterans from World War II, Korea and Vietnam, they could not believe that someone would show such disrespect in the Memorial Park and do that with one of the benches and scratch the other bench. These monuments, stones and benches in that wonderful park are very expensive, and it takes a lot of our time and money to try to get donations for all those items.

It’s a sorry state that we are in, that young people (not all) cannot respect others’ property. I can only believe that their parents never explained to them what it is to respect and not damage other people’s property.

So many citizens have told us how they think that the Memorial Park is the best in the state, and I always tell them, we are not finished yet. Now the 12 organizations that belong to the L&A Veterans Council will have to raise more funds so that we can continue our work in the park.

I’ve always thought that cemeteries, memorial parks, etc., were sacred because they honor all veterans and military personnel, who are protecting our wonderful country.

Perhaps I was wrong.

Bert Dutil, chairman,

L&A Veterans Council, Lewiston

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