This is in response to the letter from Eugene Elcik Aug. 14. The water department does not take guidance from municipal government; rules come from the PUC. The water department has a board of commissioners made up of three members. As far as electing people with business backgrounds, the chairman is a business teacher and the department manager has a degree in business.

The rate increase will cover the cost of the building and EPA-mandated changes in the delivery of water. The building was originally built for water main valves and was expanded to accommodate the need for more space for the staff and equipment.

The petition will not rescind the building, but will ask the PUC to investigate the rate increase and will not guarantee a decrease. It should be known that only water customers can sign the petition.

Did residents notice an increase in hydrant rental at the last town meeting or a bond voted on the year before? Those things were done and discussed at more than one public meeting.

As for the location of the building, it’s on the same busy Route 196 as the town office and the gas station across the street. A little common sense would go a long way and a 37-cent stamp would go even farther. In fact, while at the town office signing the petition, customers could drop water payments off at the sewer department and representatives will forward it.

Timing and facts are important items to consider.

Harold Moran, Lisbon Falls

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