Another small business takes a hit in Maine.

I am writing this letter out of total frustration and disbelief at recently enacted legislation. As the owner of a licensed, Maine breeding kennel, I must pay a surcharge of $25 for every puppy sold. This new fee goes to the state’s Department of Agriculture Companion Animal Sterilization Fund to assist low-income dog and cat owners to alter their pets.

Why are my wife and I, as responsible breeders, forced to subsidize that program when most of the problems originate from backyard breeders and irresponsible pet owners? Anyone who runs a responsible breeding program can agree that, after expenses, profit margins are extremely low. Breeders cannot make a living on their kennels alone. My wife and I must work outside jobs.

Look in the classifieds and check out the many ads on a weekly basis for sales of dogs and cats. It is some of those people who cause the major problems, along with owners who let their animals go unleashed. They do not pay the surcharge because they are not licensed.

Anyone else see something wrong with this picture?

Maybe I should change our kennel’s name to Wal-Mart or Home Depot, then I would get huge tax breaks and refunds.

So, thanks to our Legislature and Gov. Baldacci for hurting another very small business in this state.

John and Lori St. Hilaire,

Oakhill Kennels, Monmouth

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