When will officials in Augusta realize that price gouging is going on in Maine with oil and gas prices? I have seen increases of 15 cents overnight, with projections of even higher prices soon. Can someone explain to me how the fuel in the storage tanks increased in price? That fuel was purchased weeks or months ago, and did not cost today’s price per gallon.

I know that future purchases of fuel may cost the business more, but only then should they increase prices. I watched fuel go from $2.52 to $2.75 overnight, only because of predictions of a shortage. Now we’re being told gas will be $3 per gallon or more soon.

Where is the state? This is about as obvious and blatant as you can get. How come stations are matching each other’s prices? Where is healthy competition? How about the governer suspending some of the outrageous tax on fuel charged by the state? People in Maine simply cannot afford to pay so much for gas.

I think our governor and senators forgot where they came from and who they have been elected to protect – the people. Not big business and not out-of-state interests.

Jim Rioux, Sabattus

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