TURNER – The Board of Selectmen will hold a public meeting Wednesday to discuss the appointment of a fire chief. It begins at 7 p.m. on the first floor of the Leavitt Institute Building.

Selectman Ralph Caswell said Monday that the meeting will be open at the beginning, closed at some point for negotiations, and return to open session for a vote.

Asked if selectmen would definitely take action on the appointment of a fire chief Wednesday evening, Caswell said, “There is a good possibility” that would happen, but it would be “premature” to say it is definite.

The meeting and the continued discussion of the appointment of a fire chief follows a 4-0 vote in June not to reappoint Stephen Fish to the post he has held for 10 years. Selectmen took the action on the nonagenda item without prior notification, with board Chairwoman Laurie Fish, wife of Stephen, absent and the fire chief out of town on business.

Selectmen did vote at one point to reconsider their action, but there has been little public or board discussion of the controversy through the summer. Meanwhile, Chief Fish has been serving.

On Monday, Fish said all questions about his situation would have to be answered by his attorney, Curtis Webber, of Auburn. Webber was not available for comment Monday evening.

Selectmen Caswell said Webber and town attorney, Geoffrey Hole, of Portland would be in attendance Wednesday.

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