The Sun Journal issue on Sept. 3 should have had the headline, “Finger-point time until 2008.” Three southern states and part of Florida have been ravaged by a hurricane that the Republican leaders in Washington, D.C., had plenty of time to prepare and plan for the worst of it. Unfortunately, they were still in vacation mode.

During the 2006 midterm and 2008 presidential elections, the GOP stands to lose some constituents to the Democrats or independents. If Alabama or Mississippi cannot go blue, Florida and Louisiana can. President Bush, with his hypocritical compassion and phony military readiness slogan, is hurting the chances to keep his party’s strength in the South. It’s the same Bush who cut budget money to the Army Corps of Engineers for upgrading the New Orleans levees against a Category 4 or 5 hurricane.

There is a horse lawyer directing the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and another one leading Homeland Security. They make America look weak and shameful in the face of the world.

More than $4 billion is being wasted every month in Iraq, and then there is a huge tax cut going to the rich.

On Oct. 17, the Gulf Coast residents will start really feeling the effects of Katrina. Bush signed a law that will make it more difficult to file for bankruptcy, even after a natural disaster.

We are living in Bush country with three more years of trouble.

Jones Pearl, Lewiston

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