Have you ever wondered why Maine has the highest tax burden per capita? Do you know that Maine taxes nursing homes, assisted living centers and homes for the retarded and others who are impaired? Coming soon is a tax on health insurance premiums.

Why is the governor’s health care group spending thousands on expensive television and radio ads to promote a failing Dirigo plan? If it were a quality product, it would not need promotion. That money could be spent better taking care of people. Are we trying to socialize health care with the Dirigo plan? Why do our health insurance premiums cost twice that of other states?

Why did the Legislature pass a budget that initially demanded $800 million more than we had? Why do businesses look at Maine and take their jobs someplace else, so our young people must leave the state? Why was Maine’s bond rating downgraded so that we need to pay a higher interest rate to borrow that money?

The answers to these questions are found in the Democratic Party that has dominated state government for the past 30 years, and their current governor who talks one way and acts another.

It is, indeed, shaming to look at New Hampshire and compare taxes, health insurance costs, per capita income, poverty rate, business regulation and the size of state government.

In November 2006, voters should think hard if they want this situation to continue, or start correcting it by electing Republicans.

Rep. Thomas F. Shields, Auburn

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