Our leaders in Washington spend hours expressing their views and posturing themselves in an attempt to convince voters that they are concerned about them.

The time has come for them to seriously consider the plight of retirees.

We are advised that Medicare costs will rise 13 percent in 2006. The effect will be that once again retirees will see a reduction in what they will receive in support.

Social Security was designed to assist those who live to retirement age.

In its wisdom, the government taxes a portion of Social Security payments. Health benefit costs increase each year, and the cost of living is rising faster than adjustments.

Both Congress and the administration have expressed shock in observing the terrible disaster in the Gulf states that there are poor in this, the richest country in the world. Many of these people are retirees.

How is it that we can send billions of dollars abroad and disregard our own?

Congress should give this problem prompt attention.

Actions speak louder than words. Votes speak louder than both.

Raymond Waterhouse, Poland

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