LIVERMORE FALLS – The Livermore Falls-Jay Senior Citizens will meet Monday, Oct. 3, at Murray Hall. A representative from Pine Tree Planning will speak about the new prescription drug plan. Members will also have an opportunity to sign up for the monthly meal from SeniorsPlus.

The group will hold a Chinese auction on Oct. 10 that will consist of articles that members want to contribute. No food items are requested.

The group met Sept. 26 with 47 members present. Prior to the meeting, the group had the monthly SeniorsPlus meal.

Chairwoman Shirley Couture opened the meeting with a prayer, salute to the flag and a moment of silence for departed members and the men and women in the armed forces. Mary Groleau led the group in singing.

Armand Bilodeau was welcomed back. There were two guests present, Virginia Huston of Richardson, Texas, and Betty Buter of Elkridge, Md., sisters of Lucile Frechette.

“Happy Birthday” was sung to members who have birthdays in October. They include Shirley Couture, Blanche Bilodeau, Joyce Richard, Athanase Couture, Diane Getz, Frances Berry and Pauline Jacques.

Shirley Couture reminded the members that they should not park in the area where Michele has placed a “No Parking” sign. The 50-50 was won by Ellie Mitchell.

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