•Jan. 28, 2003: President Bush delivers his State of the Union address, which asserts, “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”

•May 6: The New York Times publishes a column reporting that a former ambassador was sent to Niger in 2002 to investigate the underpinnings of Bush’s claim. The column says the ambassador found the Niger claim “unequivocally wrong and based on forged documents.”

•May 29: Libby asks Marc Grossman, an undersecretary of state, for information about the ambassador’s travel to Niger. Grossman later tells Libby that Joseph Wilson was the former ambassador.

•June 11 or 12: Grossman tells Libby that Wilson’s wife works at the CIA and that State Department personnel are saying Wilson’s wife was involved in planning the trip. A senior CIA officer gives him similar information.

•On or about June 12: Vice President Dick Cheney tells Libby that Wilson’s wife works at the CIA in the counterproliferation division.

•June 14: Libby meets with a CIA briefer and discusses “Joe Wilson” and his wife, “Valerie Wilson.”

•After June 19: Libby and his deputy discuss sharing information about Wilson’s trip with reporters.

•June 23: Libby meets with New York Times reporter Judith Miller. During the meeting he tells Miller that Wilson’s wife might work at the CIA.

•July 6: The New York Times publishes an opinion piece by Wilson titled “What I Didn’t Find in Africa,” and he appears on NBC. Wilson said he doubted Iraq had obtained uranium from Niger recently and thought Cheney’s office was told of the results of his trip.

•July 7: Libby meets with then-White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer. Libby notes that Wilson’s wife works at the CIA and that the information isn’t widely known.

•July 8: Libby meets with Miller again and tells her that he believes Wilson’s wife works for the CIA.

•July 12: Libby speaks to Time magazine’s Matthew Cooper and confirms to him that he has heard that Wilson’s wife was involved in sending Wilson on the trip. Libby also speaks to Miller and discusses Wilson’s wife and says that she works at the CIA.

•Sept. 26: A criminal investigation is authorized.

•Oct. 14 and Nov. 26: Libby is interviewed by the FBI. He tells FBI agents that he heard from reporters that Wilson’s wife worked at the CIA.

•March 5 and March 24: Libby testifies before the grand jury. Libby repeats that he heard from reporters, not anyone in the administration, that Wilson’s wife worked at the CIA.

•Oct. 28, 2005: Libby is indicted on five counts: obstruction of justice and two counts each of false statement and perjury. The indictment says Libby had at least seven discussions with government officials about Wilson’s wife and her CIA job.

By The Associated Press

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