Today I received my tax preview for the city of Auburn for the 2006 tax year. In my case, the estimated tax represents a 50 percent increase ($40 more per week), and the revaluation is nearly 300 percent.


I wonder if other Auburn homeowners have taken the time to figure out their added cost in taxes?

By looking over the details of the tax bill explanation, I found that I now have an attached garage (no). And I didn’t know that I had a full bath at my camp.

Two tax bills, and both are wrong.


To be sure, the assessor’s office is to blame for inaccuracies, but the assessor’s office is only partly responsible for the unbelievable jump. The real problem is city spending. Many years ago, the city fathers decided to bring in a big-city type manager who knows how to spend money. The city fathers committed our tax dollars to a new city hall and much more. It’s out of hand.

It is time to replace the spenders. The state constitution does not give state and local governments the right to suck the taxpayers dry.

The sucking sound on my money is making me sick. It is time for a taxpayer revolt.

The city’s answer: Move. I wonder, who should go?

Guy R Carrier, Auburn

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