Concerning Ellen Field’s letter of Nov. 10, I find it a bit surprising that she infers, based on my letter about Jesus’ tough love for sinners and on my self-identification as a religious rightist, that I “believe that morality is entirely about other people’s sexual behavior.” Admittedly, I was writing in response to supporters of homosexual rights. That does not mean, however, that I don’t know or care about other moral issues. She strings together a litany of issues that she regards as moral in nature, implying, apparently, that I had no moral right to address the sexual behavior issue until I had also written my opinion on all the issues she names – and that within the letter limitation of 250 words.

She says also that “Morality also means caring about the welfare of others,” obviously implying that I don’t.

How does she know that? As an educator, she should know better than to jump to conclusions from insufficient evidence. Nevertheless, she jumped. I flatly deny the implied accusation.

Moreover, it seems that her list of issues has mostly to do with the actions of “rich exploiters,” either in government or out, and she somehow associates me with them. Field, a former classmate of mine, even though we don’t know each other well, should certainly know that I have neither the wealth nor the social standing to qualify as one of them.

Almon F. Jordan Jr., Auburn

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