I am writing today because of the outrage I feel at President Bush’s nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. This nomination represents our president’s decision to score political points at the expense of the rights of American citizens. Recently released writings of Judge Alito reveal his allegiance to extremely conservative ideals and indicate that he will interpret the United States Constitution from his own political perspective, which is not acceptable.

In the past, Alito has taken legal positions against laws protecting workers from discrimination and against upholding crucial portions of the Family Medical Leave Act. He has also taken strong stances against women’s rights. His record reveals that 91 percent of his dissenting opinions were more conservative that the legal conclusions of the higher courts.

President Bush was given a great opportunity to appoint a judge who would unite Americans and provide a strong voice for the rights of all. Instead, he chose to appoint Alito, who threatens to disregard years of important legal precedent in favor of his own radical beliefs. We can be certain that he will continue to politicize the court, rendering it a bastion of extreme political ideology rather than a nonpartisan body upon which we all rely to protect our rights.

Alito is not a mainstream choice and must not be confirmed. We have a responsibility to urge Sen. Snowe and Sen. Collins to only confirm a judge who will uphold the fundamental rights of Mainers and all Americans.

Adrienne Maxwell, Lewiston

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