Be forewarned. Our country is heading down the same path as France.

Between our rocky president and his off-the-wall ideas and all the laws, it’s coming. People can only take so many taxes, changes in laws and new laws. Employment that we need here is being sent out of the country so some big wheels can have their pockets greased some more.

I only hope its before President Bush gets out of office since he’s caused all this. Most presidents would be impeached with all the things Bush has done and not done. His private vendetta against Iraq is the worst mistake of all. I feel all 2,000-plus lives lost are his fault.

His 36 percent popularity will be 20 percent before he’s done; so why not get him out now before he goes out as being the worst president ever?

How are all the people on fixed incomes going to buy oil this winter? Or for that matter, pay their taxes, food and especially buy their medicines?

Maybe if we had all the money spent on Iraq, we could afford to help the poor. I think the government needs to help here before we give it all to Iraqis.

Freeman Lewis, Lewiston

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