I’m sure Bridges for Peace felt it was doing the right thing with a display at the Veterans Memorial Park in Waterville. However, it was not an expression to encourage a speedy ending to the war on terrorism and to save our troops from further danger, but one which imperils their lives and undermines the morale of American men and women stationed in harm’s way.

We cannot separate our warriors from the war. We are on the right side of this fight, and those who demonstrate in such a manner as Bridges for Peace put us all in danger by arming the enemy with inspiration and confidence.

Vietnam War veterans understand the power of public opinion. North Vietnam fueled the U.S. war protest movement in the 1960s, knowing a nation divided would hurt the morale of the troops fighting in foreign lands. A generation of Vietnam War veterans still remembers, with disgust, the images of war protesters on the news every night. Those same veterans will never forget the inhumane treatment they received from their fellow Americans upon returning home.

I would offer an excerpt from a quote by John Stuart Mill to sum things up: “A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight – nothing he cares about more than his own personal safety – is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

Ron Sailor, state adjutant, Maine American Legion, Waterville

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