I would like to express concern about recent allegations that President Bush discussed the possibility of bombing the offices of al-Jazeera in Qatar with Tony Blair.

At this writing, it is difficult to assess whether this is true of not, though the gag order on the Daily Mirror by the British government lends credibility to the charge.

We hear constant rhetoric about the importance of democracy, transparency and the rule of law for the Arab world. Our government’s actions, however, include torture and now the attempt to suppress the media.

The murder of innocent journalists would be yet another violation of international law. In addition, a free press is a possible countervailing force to the authoritarian governments of the Middle East and needs to be nurtured. Even contemplating the bombing of offices outside the war zone in Qatar, a country that has been helpful in the war on terror, is another example of arrogance and ineptitude of the people currently leading our country.

This discussion gives credence to allegations that the bombings of the al-Jazeera offices in Baghdad and Afghanistan were also no accident.

So much for encouraging freedom of speech.

Diana Cundy, Paris

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